Because we found the silica printing plate technology later,some producing technology is still not ripe,when we choose and use this silica plate,we will meet some problems.There are some common problems as following:
Choose of silica printing plate
Hardness of the silica printing plate which we have is above HS60,general one is HS85±5.It will deformed base on the high temperature and high pressure and the influenced printing effect because not enough shear force to alumite from plate surface if the silica has low hardness.So,on general condition that we choose the silica layer of HS80 hardness.
With the improvement of silica layer hardness,the rebound resilience will influenced.The rebound resilience direct bearing to printing effect,if the rebound resilience is bad,side of the printing pattern extend out and paste unfirm.So we need pay attention to rebound resilience when we choose silica printing plate.
To facilitate install silicone printing plate on electric hot plate,we always choose the aluminum plate in 1~3mm thickness to use for the silica printing plate base layer.The paste strength of silica layer and aluminum plate is direct bearing to the shelf life of silica printing plate.,if the paste strength is weak,the plate may be craze on the high temperature or high pressure.So we should choose a strong paste strength one.