It is divided into common color and spot color, the four-color printing is refering to ordinary color generally. It is yellow, magenta, blue and black, these four color ink use for pattern usually. And the spot color is the color which except four color: yellow, magenta, blue and black ink.
2. The copperplate engraving
The printing design by professional personnel, they need toengraving the pattern on the copper plate, the copper plate is mainly made of pipe, professional personnel carve the pattern through the synthetic technology of the computer, the patter which forming by the computer is vivid and meticulous, also the copper plate is smooth without cracks.
3. Films making
Put prepared copper through membrane machine print the pattern in membrane paper, finish the film production, after all of that, membrane cut into many small volume and it can be printing ten colors in one time.
4. Products printing
The film as dielectric, which printing the pattern on the product through the high temperature and high pressure hot stamping machine.